FAQs on Hepatology

Ask Us Your Hepatology Questions

We don’t hear about hepatology as much as we do other segments of the healthcare field, such as cardiology or neurology. Regardless, the study of hepatology is just as crucial to your health as any other well-known area. Professionals in this field undergo years of study and training to be able to provide top-notch treatment to patients in Atlanta, GA and beyond. When you need hepatology procedures, there’s no better place than GI Specialists of Georgia. Our team is committed to educating you on each treatment method and making sure you have peace of mind. Whenever you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Our friendly staff is always happy to provide you with accurate answers. Below we’ve answered some of our most frequently asked questions. Feel free to contact us should you have additional inquiries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Schedule an Appointment with Our Atlanta-Area Gastroenterologists

Whether you’re here for an endoscopic ultrasound or a colonoscopy, we will treat you with the utmost respect and dignity. Our gastroenterologists in the Douglasville and Northwest Atlanta area believe in the importance of educating our patients on a variety of health topics, ranging from anemia to gastrointestinal infections, cirrhosis of the liver, and pancreatitis. To schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified gastroenterologists, please contact GI Specialists of Georgia today.

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